Build your own power flushig machine in under 1 hour?

Building your own power flush machine is not as hard as you might think

DIY project:
Build your own power flushing machine for under £300. This is the most basic version possible and will be for small central heating systems. The professional, custom built machines are much bigger, stronger and have several features to make work easier.

What you need to buy:

  1. Buy a suitably strong submersible pump (100L per minute or bigger)
  2. Water tank 25gal or bigger
  3. 1inch hoses 2 x 3meter or longer
  4. Connectors to go between the hoses and the pump connectors or onto the 15mm pipe work
  5. Neodymium magnet. You will need a large rod magnet

(How it works diagram)

Now, fit one hose to the submersible pump outlet securely with a jubilee clip. The submersible pump goes in the water tank, with water. The hose coming off it, connects into the system as the flow. The other hose connects into the system on the other side and comes back into the tank as the return. The magnet goes in the tank for the sludge to stick to.

Bi directional flushing: Now this machine only flushes in one direction. So, you flush the whole system in this direction, then change the flow and return connections into the system, over and flush the whole system in the other direction.

It is not going to look professional, but this machine will do the job for a DIYer.


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